A New Voice of Freedom
A New Voice of Freedom
Season 6 Podcast 28, “The Language of Life.”
Season 6 Podcast 28, “The Language of Life.”
The key that unlocks all the mysteries of the earth is language. If we understand the language of life, we will understand life. God must communicate to the spirit; the spirit must communicate to the brain; and the brain must communicate to the body through language. There must be communication between the spiritual and the temporal, the natural and the supernatural, the physical and the biological. Consider man as a single body held together by language. Consider the earth as a single body held together by language. For perfect coordination to occur everything must talk to everything else. One must speak and the other must hear. Nature does not act in isolation and the ecology of the earth is not coincidental. Everything is governed by a complete set of laws and laws communicate through language. Those who know temporal law and temporal language know a good thing; but those who know spiritual law and spiritual language know a better thing. We must discern the role of law and language in our lives.
We easily confuse the purpose of language. Language, for example, is not a law. The purpose of language is to communicate information. Language is a servant to law. Evolutionists are in error by claiming that because law facilitates behavior law is the cause of all behavior. That is why science claims that we are machines, robots, or animals.
Without conditions of law there would be no freewill. Without law and the language of law, behavior couldn’t occur, and when language is corrupted behavior is corrupted, but language is not the cause. Some things, such as man, have the freedom to act; other things, such as plants and animals, are largely acted upon. The reason scientists do not believe that man has freewill is because they do not understand the role of law and language. They confuse the message with the messenger, or the messenger with the law.
Mathematics is a symbolic language that tells scientists what has been done in visual terms. Mathematics is a metaphor. Math is an abstraction of reality just as metaphor and simile are abstractions of reality and has no more relationship to reality than metaphor or simile. Truth is discovered because truth self-exists. Math is the language of man invented to describe what scientists observe. Newton and Leibniz invented calculus. Math did not create the universe. The universe created math. Math is nothing more than a refined form of analogy. Math is an analytical tool that helps us to understand law. Math is to science what language is to poetry. It is the image of reality, like a mirror, and not reality itself. Its greatest value is that it reveals the perfect order of the universe, though it had nothing to do with creating that order. Math is a language that reveals the interworking of law though it had nothing to do with creating law. Math works in describing law, not because math is orderly, but because law is orderly. Law and order come first. The language of law and order follows. If the universe had not been orderly, then math would never have been invented. A mathematical formula is a model of the real thing. It is not the thing itself. Math helps us to understand law, but math does not help us to comprehend law. Comprehension is outside of math. Math only has value because other mathematicians understand the symbols. Crick and Watson modeled the double helix of DNA with tinker-toys; however, the tinker toys were not the DNA.
Math is required to describe law, but mathematics is not required to comprehend our world. Another language is artificial intelligence, which to the computer is nothing but zeros and ones; however, to scientists, it is the principle of causality expressed in formal logic.