A New Voice of Freedom

Season 6 Podcast 25, “The Law of Justice Pt 3.”

Ronald Season 6 Episode 25

Season 6 Podcast 25, “The Law of Justice Pt 3.”

Because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the law of justice was broken, thus came about the fall of man.  The law of justice cannot be splintered, patched up, tinkered with, or repaired, say like a machine.  It is not fragmented.  It is the unifying law of everything. There can be no theory of everything that does not include the law of justice.  

The law of justice is the theory of everything.  It is the law of laws, the law of creation, the unifying theory, the Holy Grail that science will never find because science deals only with mortal law and justice comprehends both temporal law and spiritual law.  The laws of nature are a type of the law of justice. The law of justice is unconditional.  It is a single law that governs all other laws.  All lower order of laws has conditions and boundaries, and those conditions and boundaries must satisfy the unconditional law of justice, or they are not laws.  

The law of justice is spiritual. No temporal law can answer for everything.  That is evidenced by the presence of entropy.  Temporal law cannot save us.  At death we move beyond the boundaries of temporal law. 

Temporal law cannot resurrect us for temporal law deals with mortality and the resurrection deals with immortality. Temporal law cannot give us everlasting life. Temporal law cannot account for life, consciousness, or intelligence. Science can never discover the origin of life, the origin of law, the origin of consciousness, or the origin of intelligence because they are all spiritual.  That makes void the philosophies of science regarding man.  To science, we are nothing but a slab of meat animated by mystery, compared to animals, machines, and robots, created by an “accidental collocation of atoms” and condemned to a “giant heat death.”

Because the law of justice is unconditional, it is all or nothing. Only the law of justice [perfection] can hold everything together.  It was the law of justice that brought order out of chaos, and it is the law of justice that keeps it from returning to chaos.  All laws obey the law of justice all the time.  The law of justice is one law.  The law of mercy is many laws, such as the Ten Commandments.  

Christ, through the atonement, satisfied the law of justice by living a perfect life, and he established conditions for man to return to perfection and thus return to the presence of God.  In other words, we cannot live the law of justice, but we can live the law of mercy. Conditions had to be imposed on law, or we would have no agency. The only reason Christ can impose conditions on law is because he lived the unconditional law of justice perfectly. Grace closes the gap between the conditions of mercy and unconditional justice; otherwise, man could never cross the chasm back to God created by the fall.  Man is allowed to choose among the many conditions of law; therefore, man has freewill, freedom, agency, and liberty.  

Without Christ, freedom could not exist. Only those who follow those commandments established by Christ fall under his grace. It is the law of mercy, not the law of justice, that has conditions that allow progression. The law of creation created this world; after the fall, the law of mercy preserves, protects, purifies, sanctifies and saves it from the fall.

Here is perhaps the single biggest paradox of Christianity:  The laws of this world, even if lived perfectly, cannot save us because they cannot perfect us.  Temporal laws deal only with temporal things. No one has ever violated a law of nature. Man may violate certain conditions, but man cannot violate consequences. Consequences are determined by the conditions of the laws we choose to obey or disobey. We may govern our acts, but consequences govern us.