A New Voice of Freedom
A New Voice of Freedom
Season 6 Podcast 7, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Immortal Matter cont.”
Season 6 Podcast 7, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Immortal Matter cont.”
Since a belief in God, angels, the spirits of the dead, the resurrection, and immortality and eternal life are inherent in Biblical teachings and in the doctrine of Christ, it will come as no surprise to Christians that immortal matter exists even on earth. Immortal things can only be discerned by spiritual eyes. No instrument of science is nor ever will be refined enough to detect immortal spirits.
Those superstitious ghost hunters who take their instruments into ‘haunted houses’ to detect wandering spirits are whistling in the wind. We must accept that everything, even the spirits of the dead are made of matter. We must accept that Satan and his angels wander on this earth. Christ said,
Luke 10:18
“I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”
The Holy Scriptures are filled with those who have had visions, manifestations, revelations, visitations, dreams, and other spiritual experiences whether for good or evil. In addition, many through the ages have born witness of receiving comfort or warning by a visit of loved ones from the dead. Their word cannot be proven or disproven scientifically, but can we honestly doubt the possibility. We may determine to believe or not to believe them but that is irrelevant to the reality of their experience. They alone have the authority of that. Myself, I am inclined to accept their word except in circumstances where they profit. I do not believe in ghosts for hire, and there is no amount of money on earth that could persuade me to play with a Ouija board or attend a séance. The devil himself may appear as an angel of light.
Even if scientist could break through into the spirit world, they would learn nothing from the experience except to declare that it is further evidence that God does not need to exist. It seems that the more science learns about how God works, the less necessary they find him. One would think it would be the other way around. It is philosophy based entirely on temporal law, not science that blinds them. They have institutionalized atheism and immortalized the theory of evolution and rely entirely upon temporal or time constrained laws and luck. That is the hardest thing for me to reconcile: How does science, which has taught us so much about law, allow luck, accident, coincidence, or spontaneous creation any credibility?
Let me insert here a spiritual law. That which has life in itself, such as the human spirit, does not increase entropy anywhere. It is not constrained by time or by temporal laws. All creation requires matter, energy, forces of opposition, and organized law. Temporal or mortal creation requires mortal matter, mortal energy, and mortal law. Eternal or spiritual creation requires eternal matter, eternal energy, and eternal law. The conservation laws in the spiritual realm are not the same as the conservation laws in the temporal realm. In the spiritual realm energy does not go from a usable state to an unusable state. It is usable all the time and matter doesn’t change. Only in the temporal realm does energy appear to go from a usable state to an unusable state because matter changes. All matter can be changed from mortal matter to immortal matter. Because matter cannot be created or destroyed, it is inherently immortal, but when subject to temporal law it is unstable. It is completely stable only when controlled by spiritual law. Because matter changes, even before our eyes, it plays havoc with our perception of reality. I can understand why scientists say that nothing is real. If I didn’t believe in God, the supernatural, and the immortality of the soul, I would agree with them. Science must look for reality in nature, but reality doesn’t exist in nature.