A New Voice of Freedom

Season 5 Podcast 104, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Creation & Destruction.”

August 28, 2024 Ronald Season 5 Episode 104

Season 5 Podcast 104, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Creation & Destruction.” 

The recycling we observe on earth is a type of the recycling that occurs in the cosmos.  Universes undoubtedly will come and go, just like trees and other forms of life come and go on this earth, but the law of creation will never die, and energy and matter will never run out.  Creation originally came out of chaos, or unusable energy, through organized laws.  The same energy that appears to change from a usable state to an unusable state will continually be changed from an unusable state back to a usable state by those same organized sets of laws.  The cosmos is the great recycler.  To the vast law of creation, no energy is unusable, and no matter is wasted. 

The future discoveries of science will not be related to the death of the universe.  They will be related to the birth of new universes, a process that will continue forever because in the larger scheme of things there is no such thing as unusable energy.  That is the power of the eternal law of creation.  

Because of the laws of conservation of energy and mass we know that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed.  They are eternal.  That is our clue.  That is one of the most fantastic discoveries of science.  Because we cannot burn a log twice, we assume that energy always goes from a usable state to a non-usable state.  

That, however, is not accurate.  Nature can burn a log twice.  She can burn the same log a thousand times.  Because we don’t have the technology to use energy twice, we assume that it is a law of nature.  We call it entropy.  The primary part of the law of creation is its ability to recycle nature, and entropy is a measure of that process.  Rust is a form of burning.  Rot is a form of burning.  All decay is a form of burning.  In the cosmos entropy is referred to as the ‘giant heat death.’ Anything that generates heat and breaks down matter is a form of burning, yet it is all broken down and reused.  In nature nothing is wasted.  New growth grows out of the decay of dying things.  We see it all around us.  Nature uses everything over and over.  One forest replaces another, but probably contains most of the molecules of the preceding forest.

I observed an old fallen pine decaying in the high mountain forest of Grover Park in Star Valley, Wyoming. 

Decay is nature’s fire.  Directly from the burning compost of the old pine, saplings are growing, no doubt dropped from seeds of neighboring trees.  But those saplings are using the energy of the decaying tree as nutrients for a new forest.  If left alone that process will go on and on forever.  Nature is burning an old log to provide energy for a new forest.  Theoretically we can cut the new saplings down when they have run their course and burn them.  That is one form of burning a log twice.

Nature pulls that trick millions of ways.  The dung beetle lays its eggs in a ball of dung, very gross to our senses. As a child in sultry South Carolina, I would watch dung beetles for hours as they rolled their unsavory sphere twice their size up hill and over grass and bury it under ground.  Recently in an ancient cemetery on Halls Top in East Tennessee that looms above our cabin, memories of my childhood came back as for an hour I watched a dung beetle bury a large ball of dung in which it will lay its eggs. The dung discarded by animals brings life to the beetle. Entomologists have discovered that the dung beetle has a perfect GPS system.