A New Voice of Freedom

Season 5 Podcast 101, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Freewill B.”

August 21, 2024 Ronald Season 5 Episode 101

Season 5 Podcast 101, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Freewill B.” 

Billions of people confirm the existence of God through daily experience, yet science must deny God in order to stay within the box. They are like crabs in a narrow container. They can never escape their theory nor can they afford to allow others to escape. They are self-imprisoned. They deny that which they see because they are slaves to the only laws they know, the laws of mortality. Once locked in, they throw away the key that would set them free. 

They confuse facts with truth. They recognize law but deny the law maker. They study the creation but deny the creator. Science can never find first cause because their paradigm will not allow them to. A fundamental law of the universe is that something can never come from nothing—never! Modern science denies that irrevocable truth and, therefore, regardless of how logical their world appears, it is based on a faulty foundation. They work magic as long as they stay in their box. Every time they step out of the box they begin to sound foolish. Theoretical scientists are the emperor with no clothes. When they step out of their narrow world they enter the floating island of Laputa, and their theories of freewill, of intelligent design, of God, of man, or of purpose are illogical and improbable. Trust the practical ones who remain in the box for they will take us to the moon; however, do not trust those on the floating island of Laputa because they will lead us to the moral decline of society, making us equal with the animals, reducing us to robots, making us automatons, denying us freewill, denying God, denying absolute moral law, and denying the purpose of life

Freewill is the father of all freedoms. Without freewill, there would be no agency, freedom, or liberty. Will is our self-existing intelligence. Free will is our ability to exercise our intelligence in the creative process. For that reason, we are always in the act of becoming. Evolution has nothing to do with our creation. Evolution is tied to time, death, entropy, and mortality. Evolution did not exist before earth life and will not exist after earthlike. It is tethered to mortality like a dog to a stake. It is science that has given evolution its bark which exceeds its bite. 

Agency is the ability to discern right from wrong and good from evil.  It has a moral and spiritual component, related to conscience.  Freedom is a consequence of temporal law only. Without conditions of temporal law, freedom would not exist. Liberty is based upon the laws of man. It is man, not God who takes away our liberty. Freedom depends upon obedience to temporal law. Agency depends upon obedience to spiritual law. Perfect liberty can only be achieved when man’s laws are founded on the temporal laws of nature and the spiritual laws of God. The Ten Commandments are the law of liberty. The Sermon on the Mount is the perfect law of liberty. 

The purpose of all the laws of God is to expand freewill. Freewill is founded only upon truth, and truth is founded only upon the laws of God. Everything else is counterfeit.

As freedom depends upon temporal law, agency depends upon spiritual law.  The spirit, not the body, has agency because the spirit alone has freewill.  Neither the body nor the brain, which are biological machines, has freewill.  The brain processes information and communicates that information to the body, but the brain does not think.  Intelligence lies only in the spirit which is our life force.

It is not possible for the body or the brain to have freewill.  It creates impossible contradictions and makes of us nothing more than biological robots.