A New Voice of Freedom

Season 5 Podcast 95, “The Principle of Opposition.”

August 07, 2024 Ronald Season 5 Episode 95

The Principle of Opposition

Season 5 Podcast 95, “The Principle of Opposition.”

The law of justice is one law, but only the law of justice is unconditional.  The law of justice imposes conditions on other laws but has none itself. All other laws are conditional meaning we have freewill.  They operate on the principle of causality, otherwise freewill, agency, freedom, and liberty could not occur.  The first principle of freedom is knowledge.  Christ said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  

Earth is assigned two sets of laws: temporal laws and spiritual laws, all are conditional, all have a cause and an effect.  If we know the cause, we can predict the effect and, therefore, we can govern our lives accordingly. If we want the blessings of a temporal world, we must understand and obey the laws of the temporal world.  If we want the blessings of the spiritual world, we must understand and obey the laws of the spiritual world. That is what it means when Christ said that we shall be judged by our works.  Our works are measured by our obedience or disobedience to law. All sin is disobedience to law. Temporal judgment comes from temporal laws and spiritual judgment comes from spiritual laws. Law provides the standards of judgment by which we will be judged.

All laws, whether temporal or spiritual have conditions and are subject to the principle of causality.  Because all laws have conditions, we can have freewill, agency, and freedom. The entire purpose of life is to allow us to exercise our freewill.  We have the privilege on this earth to follow God or to follow Satan.  In the final analysis we will all be judged by our works. In other words, we will be judged by the laws we chose to obey or to disobey.  

Satan does not make laws.  That is why he can never be a creator. He is the negation of law. He is the negation of God.  His entire reason for being is to persuade us to break the laws of God because he knows it will bring us misery and captivity.  Satan does not create evil because he can’t create good. In fact, Satan does not create anything. He is the destroyer.  I love the Jewish phrase, The Spoiler. Evil exists only because laws exist since evil is violation of law. 

Satan is only on earth by permission so that we can have agency.  The very definition of Agency is the ability to choose between God and Satan, good and evil, moral and immoral, right and wrong. Satan is neither omniscient nor omnipotent.  Though he is more powerful than we are, he is not more powerful than God. He never has been and never will be. We have power over Satan only through the Grace of Christ. Satan is anti-Christ.  Strictly speaking we do not obey the laws of Satan because he has no laws.  We break the laws of God. We may choose to follow Satan, but we may only choose to obey or disobey the laws of God.  

Experience has shown that all laws of God lead to freedom and freedom can only come by obedience to the laws of God.  Captivity comes only by disobeying the laws of God.  

Evil does not self-exist.  Evil exists only because laws exist.  Remove law and you remove evil.  All evil is disobedience to law.  

One could say, ‘Well, let’s just remove law and we would remove evil.’  That is exactly what Satan wants you to think. That is what is happening today in society.  We are changing our laws to accommodate our desires.  The problem is that we may change the laws of society which naturally affect our courts, but we cannot change the laws of God.  They are, by necessity, absolute and unchangeable because God is absolute and unchangeable. Without law there would be chaos.