A New Voice of Freedom

Season 5 Podcast 94 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 26 Chapter 5 F, “Talkative.”

August 05, 2024 Ronald Season 5 Episode 94

Season 5 Podcast 94 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 26 Chapter 5 F, “Talkative.” 

In last week’s episode we are warned against Shame who is the “promotion of fools”  and tries “to make us ashamed of that which is good.” In other words, in the words of Isaiah Shame would have us call good evil and evil good.” In this episode we meet Talkative.

Moreover, I saw in my dream that, as they went on, Faithful, as he chanced to look on one side, saw a man whose name is Talkative walking at a distance beside them; for in this place there was room enough for them all to walk. He was a tall man, and something better looking at a distance than near at hand. To this man Faithful spoke himself in this manner:

At first Talkative appears to be an amiable fellow and a desirable companion.

FAITH. Friend, whither away? Are you going to the heavenly country?

TALK. I am going to that same place.

FAITH. That is well; then I hope we may have your good company.

TALK. With a very good will, will I be your companion.

FAITH. Come on, then, and let us go together, and let us spend our time in talking of things that are profitable.

TALK. To talk of things that are good, to me is very acceptable, with you or with any other; and I am glad that I have met with those that incline to so good a work; for, to speak the truth, there are but few who care thus to spend their time as they are in their travels, but choose much rather to be speaking of things to no profit; and this has been a trouble to me.

Because Talkative is traveling in the same direction, having the same goals and desires, he is accepted as trustworthy, even highly desirable. Part of Bunyan’s purpose is to warn all Christians of the pitfalls of the journey to the Celestial City. It is one thing to meet bad characters such as Apollyon, the Destroyer, Abaddon, the apostle of doom, and Beelzebub, the Evil One, as well as the giants Pope and Pagan, and the creature of nature Wanton whose daughters are Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the eyes, and Pride of Life. Their characters, though cunning, are soon transparent, their purposes clear. They are quickly recognized as the enemy. It is quite another to meet characters such as Obstinate, Pliable, Worldly Wiseman, Mr. Legality, Civility, and Talkative who appear to be well meaning and good companions for the Celestial journey but are servants of Satan who want to lead them in the way of the world. There is another set of characters such as Simple, Sloth, Presumption, Formalist, Hypocrisy, Timorous, and Mistrust whose personal faults are immediately transparent, their companionship unsuitable for they never endure the journey. Enduring to the end is a central theme of Pilgrim’s Progress. 

Talkative has a smooth and oily tongue that says all the right words. 

FAITH. That is, indeed, a thing to be lamented; for what things so worthy of the use of the tongue and mouth of men on earth, as are the things of the God of heaven?

TALK. I like you wonderfully well, for your saying is full of the truth; and I will add, What thing is so pleasant, and what so profitable, as to talk of the things of God? What things so pleasant? that is, if a man hath any delight in things that are wonderful. For instance, if a man doth delight to talk of the history or the mystery of things, or if a man doth love to talk of miracles, wonders, or signs, where shall he find things written so delightful, or so sweetly penned, as in the Holy Scripture?

FAITH. That's true; but to be profited by such things in our talk should be that which we design.

The devils who meet Christian and Faithful on their journey are overtly evil. Those who give in to the weaknesses of the flesh soon advertise their true nature.